Green Belt Development


Foster biodiversity and enhance ecosystems through extensive green belt development.


  • Strategic Native Planting: India Cements has developed green belts over several years focusing on utilising our vast land bank with native trees, shrubs, and vegetation through meticulous planning and execution.
  • Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs): We have installed STPs at most of our operational locations to maximize water reuse opportunities. Treated water from these STPs is ensured to meet the appropriate levels of BOD, pH, COD, and free of TSS.
  • Rainwater Harvesting: India cements actively focuses on water harvesting practices and have established several rain water harvesting techniques at our operational locations.


  • India Cement is proud to say that we have developed green belts spanning over 900 acres contributing to 40% of our land cover (operational sites)
  • We have significantly increased community awareness and especially with students and young children on climate change and actions to mitigate climate change for better future.

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